SafeSwap Features

Swap Digital Assets
SafeSwap allows you to easily swap your EVM-based digital assets between multiple blockchains in real time.
Supported digital assets
Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps
SafeSwap works with blockchains based on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). These include Ethereum, VeChain, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain and more.
Supported blockchains
Connect Multiple Wallets
SafeSwap’s goal is to support multiple digital wallets, in efforts to limit barriers and steps required for using our platform.
Supported wallets
Not Just Another Token Swap Platform

SafeSwap Helps You Transfer Native Tokens Between Different Blockchains By Using Atomic Swaps

Meet SafeSwap, a secure cross-chain atomic swapping protocol that’s changing the game for interoperability of tokens and dApps.

By leveraging atomic swaps, SafeSwap enables token transfers between a user’s wallets across different blockchains, without needing third-party liquidity or middlemen.

Unlike other solutions that involve user liquidity and wrapped tokens, SafeSwap uses native tokens only, eliminating risks like smart contract vulnerabilities, token supply manipulation and unauthorized trading of wrapped tokens.

Supported Blockchains

VeChain Available
Ethereum Available
Polygon Available
Binance Smart Chain Available
Base Available
Optimism Available
Arbitrum Available
Avalanche Available
Rollux Available